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Press Release

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Soul-Aligned Business:
25 Practical Strategies from the Experts

If you're thinking about creating or growing a business that truly aligns with who you are and how you're called to serve the world, this book is for you.

In this incredible collaboration, 25 coaches, strategists, and practitioners share their journeys in creating their own soul-aligned businesses. This guidebook will validate and empower you to take the next best steps right away to awaken your financial potential while remaining aligned with your soul, purpose, and joy.

If you’re tired of traditional business models and the ego-centered ways of building wealth, look no further. You have the answer to your business growth and financial wellbeing right here in this book.  

Order ebook and paperback copies from Amazon


Chapter 9
Conquering Mental & Digital Clutter
The Success Formula for Calming the Chaos

In my chapter, I share the story of how finally realized that it was time to stop ignoring the signs I was receiving that were urging me to acknowledge and accept my calling to leverage my strategic business and coaching skills to empower female solopreneurs to live their best lives.

From my own experience and that of my clients, I've learned that so much of the overwhelm, exhaustion, and stress we face trying to do it all by ourselves, comes from a lack of clarity and alignment between our values, vision, and strategic goals. In my chapter I share a strategy that has helped me and the women I work with transform our relationship with our work, allowing us to experience much less stress when we're able to work smarter, not harder.


About the Author

Sydney Tyler Thomas is a certified Professional Goal Success Life Coach with over three decades of corporate, not-for-profit, consulting, and entrepreneurial success. Now she seamlessly integrates her coaching and business skills to empower female solopreneurs to create businesses that are aligned with their values and their purpose while also enabling them to live lives they love.

Through her private coaching programs, consulting engagements, and her signature course, "Calm the Chaos", Sydney helps her clients find clarity to identify and reinforce their core values and their vision, identify and tackle limiting beliefs that may be keeping them from reaching their full potential, and offers support for creative problem-solving.


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